Fleeting Moments


Pale sky imbrued 

with blood of bravehearts

as sun shines upon

lifeless bodies 

oblivious to victory.

He stood there,

watching the celebration unfold. 

His soul rejoicing 

and singing

the songs of triumph. 

He did his part,

and he did it well

defending his mother’s virtue,

till the last breath.

Now relieved from his duty,

free from mortal bonds

he cannot help but think

of who and what

he left behind,

Unsaid words,

unfinished love

unexpressed gratitude.

slayed by time. 

A bright light emerges above

he understands the sign,

In these fleeting moments

What does he think?

What does he feel?


IMG_20150530_085327 “an intense and irresistible desire for freedom.”

Life is an open road with infinite destinations, if you have the will to explore the unknown. Wherever you wanna go, whatever you wanna achieve the first step is always difficult but the journey is worth the effort.

If you want to find the right road, follow many paths, be willing to try new things and dont be afraid to change the direction along the way. Leave your doors open. (Read it on pinterest 🙂 )

Go on…..be free to follow your heart.  🙂

Think before you throw!!

Hey everyone, 🙂


I have been hoarding glass bottles lately with a sincere intention of crafting something nice for my room. Read ‘lately’ as a few months..jeez.. really!!! You keep thinking of doing something but can not find the time. Does it happen to you too? Now talking about time, would ya believe this craft took only about an hour to complete from scratch. No i am not boasting, you can try for yourself. I couldnt click any pictures while making it, but i will explain all the steps.

1. Remove the label from your bottle. You can do that by immersing it in a bucket of water for a couple of hours. It will dissolve the glue and your label will come off like butter.

2. Apply glue on the bottle and start wrapping a thick string or thread from the top. Wrap it all the way to the bottom and secure the free end with glue.

3. These flowers have been made out of egg carton boxes. Its quite easy. I am sure you’ll figure it out.

4. Then paste them onto your bottle with glue.

Tada…its ready.

Go ahead and try. Dont forget to send a link to me. Would love to see.

Yours truly…creativnerd

The Liebster Award


Hey everyone, 🙂

Got nominated for a new award by my fellow blogger Jem @ https://jemverse.wordpress.com/ . Its called Liebster award and I am thankful and glad i got this nomination. I’m supposed to answer a few questions, list 11 random facts about myself, nominate a few blogs i like and give them my set of 11 questions to answer. And the cycle goes on like that.

So, here it goes,

The desire to do everything

before the sands of time run out,

is what inspires me.

I read a lot of books

sometimes wishing i could write

something remotely powerful and emphatic

as Fountainhead by Ayn Rand.

My first blog posting,

apart from being an introductory note

was about a tetrapack turned

into a pen holder.

My journal and a pen is

my most prized possession,

that i would grab first

if ever stuck in an earthquake.

I would choose to be yellow

if i could be a colour,

coz it brings cheer

to life’s pallor.

I love to travel

and the world’s on my list.

My first pet was a dog

named Genie.

Wild lillies are my favourite

they grow everywhere,

even on hardest rocks.

I admire Stephen Hawking

among other inspirational people.

And my favourite song at the moment

that been on repeat for quite some time

is “Elastic heart”.

11 random facts about creativnerd:

1. I started to learn violin but my instructor left his job in two months. I turned out to be a difficult student i guess.

2. If i could have my way, I would get every dog on the street to my place.

3. I love ice-cream and mint-chocolate chip ice-cream is my favourite (Baskin-Robbins).

4. My favourite colour is yellow, even though my wardrobe is full of red and white.

5. I have a secret journal that i have been maintaining since i was twelve.

6. I am currently reading Shantaram…for the fifth time. Just love the book.

7. Few months back I brought home an injured bird. I bandaged its broken wing and fed him for weeks and named it Moe, meaning ‘saved’ in Hebrew.

8. Tom and Jerry is my favourite cartoon show.

9. I have always had a pixie crop in school.

10. I can survive on pizza and mango.

Just like any other blog award, there are few rules :

  1. Acknowledge the award by leaving a comment on the nominating blog
  2. Copy & paste the award itself into your own blog
  3. Answer the 11 questions about yourself,
  4. List 11 random fact about yourself
  5. Nominate 3-11 other blogs you’ve recently discovered which have less than 3000 followers
  6. List 11 questions for your Leibster Award nominees
  7. Inform your nominees by leaving a comment on their blog.
  8. Provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it  (they might not have heard or it!)

I am nominating the following bloggers:




Now, if you choose to accept the award, here is your set of questions:

1. Which word best describes you?

2. Your favourite author and book?

3. First thing you would grab in case of an earthquake.

4. Which city in the world would to like to live in?

5. Your favourite workout?

6. Which app do you use most often on your phone?

7. Your favourite colour and why?

8. Who introduced you to wordpress?

9. Whats your dream profession?

10. Your current fav song.

Enjoy answering. and send a link to you blog post.

Yours truly
